Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Do they realize what will happen?

    They may not know what negative affect will happen if they do it but once they realize it will they stop doing it?

   They may not have seen how it could negatively affect those around them but once they realize it will they stop doing it?

   They may not have thought that they would do something ever that would HURT OTHERS but once they realize they were, will they stop doing it?

   We all make mistakes, we are human.

   But if you don't admit that you made a mistake you can't possibly learn from your mistakes.

   If you realize that you are going the wrong direction then do a U-turn so you don't continue on the wrong path.

   If you realize that you shouldn't be doing what you are doing then STOP doing it it's that simple.

  Once you realize that you have a chance to make a POSITIVE difference to OTHERS JUST DO IT.

  You can't HONESTLY say you didn't know if you realized that you knew better.

  If you know that you shouldn't do it then don't do it, it's that simple.



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