Just because they have COLORFUL hair doesn't mean they have a COLORFUL personality.
Just because they have many TATTOOS doesn't mean that they enjoyed the pain of getting a TATTOO.
Just because they talk a good GAME doesn't mean they are a good GAME player.
Just because they say they aren't WORRIED about it doesn't mean that deep down they aren't WORRIED.
Just because they seem a little DISTRACTED at that moment doesn't mean that they are always DISTRACTED.
Some people can't SING but they still enjoy SINGING SONGS.
Some people think they CAN'T DO IT but once they try it they easily GET 'R DONE.
Some people look HATEFUL yet they are the SWEETEST person ever.
Don't fORM YOUR OPINION without getting to truly know the TRUE FACTS to base YOUR OPINIONS ON.
You can't JUDGE a BOOK by the COVER because the HEART of the BOOK is HIDDEN INSIDE.