Just because you remember it doesn't mean anyone else remembers it.
You have let it weigh heavy on your MIND since the moment it happened yet the person who hurt you doesn't even remember it.
You let the thought of it hold you back yet the person who hurt you forgot about the second they did it.
This is why FORGIVENESS you do for yourself not for the other person.
They don't care if you forgive them. They don't care or even remember what they did to hurt you.
Don't let negative thoughts clog you up. JUST FLUSH IT OUT OF YOUR MIND.
Remember FORGIVENESS you do for yourself.
If you want PEACE OF MIND you have to take the negative thoughts and JUST FLUSH IT OUT OF YOUR MIND SO PEACE OF MIND HAS ROOM TO GET IN.
Peace of mind is just a FLUSH away. All you got to do is JUST FLUSH IT!