When you got a busy day coming up make sure when you are making plans that you plan on getting rested up for it. Don't wait until the last minute to get prepared leaving no time to relax to have energy for your busy day. To do the best you can do you got to be the best you can be. And to be the best you can be you need to get proper rest so you can be the best you can be. A little ZEN TIME will go a long way. Don't make so many plans that you overwhelm yourself, leave time in your busy life to have the ZEN TIME you need for your overall well being.
Wednesday, September 30, 2020
Monday, September 28, 2020
Why did they stop teaching it in schools?
My teenage son has been so bored during quarantine that he has entertained himself by learning how to cook us a meal. Showing him how to do it was not only bonding but as his parent it is awesome to know that he now will be able to cook for himself throughout his life. Way back when I was in school every student, both male and female, had to take a Cooking class, a sewing class and a Child education class in school. It was mandatory to pass. It was to make sure that everyone had basic LIFE skills that they needed to be independent. Why don't they teach our children this in school these days? They are still just as important as reading and writing. Art and music and creativity are also Important to our overall well being. Why don't schools have those types of classes on a regular basis anymore? We need to try and bring back those classes into our schools mandatory curriculum so they can learn BASIC LIFE skills that they will need to be independent when they graduate.
Friday, September 25, 2020
It may not be exactly the same but they both are good
Having to rely on home-made meals with your family, has made us all chefs. The joy in the voice of the many stories I have heard from people surprised that they could even cook. They would have never known if they weren't forced to because restaurants are closed. As they described the ingredients they put in their chilli I realized it was nothing like mine but it sounded good. Many people have told me that even after the quarantine is over, there was several meals they planned on making often on a regular basis. Home-made meals are also healthier foods. The memories and bonds we are making with our families during quarantine are ones we will be thankful for long after the pandemic is gone. Even during difficult times there are moments of Joy.
Wednesday, September 23, 2020
Plant a positive seed and watch it grow
A positive message can have a long lasting effect on the well being of individuals. Words of encouragement can immediately turn someone's day from a bad day to a good day. Positive thoughts can spark creativity and boost their self-esteem. It gives them a positive outlook that will allow them to have a positive outcome. With a positive attitude they can do everything better and they are more pleasant to be around. Plant a positive message and watch it grow. Let them know that no one is good at everything but everyone is good at something. Focus on what you are good at and build from that. The rollercoaster of Life is full of ups and downs, as well as twists and turns. A truly happy person is one who can enjoy the scenery while they navigate through the detours on their life's journey. Give them words of encouragement to help them on their life's journey.
Monday, September 21, 2020
If you see trouble coming then get out of the way
If you know it isn't good for you then don't do it. If you know it ain't right, then don't do it. If you are heading in the wrong direction then turn around. If you know what to expect then you shouldn't be surprised. If you see trouble coming then get out of the way! Accepting the things you can not change will let you focus on the things you can change. It is what it is, so accept it for what it is. Knowing what you can do is only possible if you acknowledge and accept that there are things you can't do. You can only do what you can do.
Friday, September 18, 2020
The twists and turns are part of your life's journey
To navigate through life during a pandemic we all have to bend and twist like a pretzel. But we will get done what we need to get done. The rollercoaster of Life will have it's ups and downs, but we will put on our seatbelts and we will be fine. To get through the tough downward times just remember that it will soon shoot upward again. Just make sure you don't do anything on the downward times that will prevent you from experiencing an upward moment. The outcome is not determined by the circumstances that you must face but on how you react to the situations you face. If you do the RIGHT thing then everything will be ALRIGHT.