Friday, July 15, 2022

There are No regrets for things you tried but failed at

   You may not have been successful at everything that you tried to do but as long as you tried you didn't fail, you just weren't successful.

  You don't REGRET the things you tried. You will however REGRET the things you did not try.

  You won't know if you will be able to do it unless you give it a try.

  You will never have to say ...if only I would've... if you did try to do it. Even if you failed when you tried.

  Throughout your life's Journey when you are making a decision whether to do something or not just ask yourself...Will I regret it if I don't?

  When you ask an elderly person if they have any regrets they don't usually list things they did. They usually list the things that they didn't do.

  At the end of the day you want no regrets.

  At the end of the day you don't want no would'ves, could'ves, or should'ves so JUST DO IT.





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