Wednesday, July 6, 2022


 When I was younger I truly believed in the FIVE SECOND RULE when it came to sweet foods.

 But if it was a vegetable that fell to the ground it was INEDIBLE the very second it fell.

  As I got OLDER I realized that any food on the ground was INEDIBLE.

  All throughout my twenties and thirties, I thought nothing of pushing THINGS that needed done until another day.

  Then I realized that it wasn't postponed for one day, it turned into a week or two.

  For instance, I saw a stack of items that needed to be put out of the way in the hall closet.

 I convinced myself that it was a lazy SUNDAY I didn't want to put things up. I will just do it tomorrow. So I left them on the chair until tomorrow.

  Unfortunately I got busy the next day. So when I saw the things still sitting there I told myself it was okay to wait until tomorrow to put them up. 

  Unfortunately I was so preoccupied the next day that I didn't even notice them still sitting on the chair.

  Before I knew it, it was SUNDAY.

  I realized that I had put it off for an entire week.

  Now if I would have just taken the FIVE MINUTES it would have taken to put it up, I wouldn't have spent TEN MINUTES each day for SEVEN DAYS making excuses why I couldn't put them in the hall closet.

  You waste OVER an HOUR a week on making up excuses why you don't have FIVE MINUTES to do it that moment.

  For now on I will follow the FIVE MINUTE RULE. Anything that takes FIVE MINUTES OR LESS to do I will JUST DO IT.

  Don't turn a FIVE MINUTE JOB into a job that takes a week or two.

  Save time by taking the time to JUST DO IT so you can stop wasting your time trying to convince yourself why it is okay to NOT DO IT and waste your time.

  JUST DO IT so you can JUST FLUSH IT OUT OF YOUR MIND when it's done so you don't waste your time.



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