Monday, October 17, 2022

Sometimes it takes a good imagination to come up with an answer

    When you don't have all the supplies you need for a project you have to get creative to figure it out.

   When things aren't going as you had hoped you have to get creative to make things turn out okay.

   When you can't afford to buy the expensive version you have to get creative and come up with a cheaper version.

   When you find yourself with lots of odds and ends you can get creative and make good use of them.

   When you are bored you have to get creative to find a way to entertain yourself.

   Every new invention took creativity by the inventor to make it what they envisioned it could be.

   It takes creativity to imagine just how much fun you can have.

   It takes creativity to imagine just how far you can go.

   It takes creativity to imagine the good in every situation.

   If you can imagine it then it's possible to create the outcome you want.

  How you look at it will determine what you see which will determine what it is.

  Just imagine how far you can go and you will get there.

  Your thoughts are the reality that you live so think positive thoughts and get creative.


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