Monday, July 17, 2023

In between the rain clouds

    I woke up to rain but I still had many errands that I had to do today, whether it was raining or not.

   As the rain poured down I sat down and made a list of all the errands and planned on what order I should do them.

   The rain finally let up and I got in the car and started going from one errand destination to another on the way to the grocery store.

   Just as I got home and got the groceries inside I could hear the rumbling of more rain heading my way.

  As I listened to the thunder and lightning outside I got all the stuff put away but I still had errands to do. 

  Just as I got done the rain once again stopped and I went back out to finish my errands.

   While I was inside Walmart I could hear that it was raining once again.

  By the time I got out of the checkout line to head to the car the rain had once again stopped so luckily nothing got wet.

  As I was once again was unloading my car from my shopping trip I could hear the rumbling of another rainstorm heading my way.

  Now that my errands were done I sat down to relax a moment to talk to my friend before I cooked my dinner.

  Luckily I decided to go out in between the rain storms and I got all my errands done including getting the groceries so I could cook dinner.

  Just goes to show you that even on a rainy day you can stay dry and still get your errands done if you go in between the rainy moments.

  Don't let Stormy Weather or Stormy moments in your personal life keep you from accomplishing what you want.

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