Those that don't mind spending either their time, money or energy to help others are the ones that rarely do something for themselves.
Doing something for yourself is not being selfish, it's actually necessary for your overall well being.
After all you have to take care of yourself first so you will be able to take care of those around you when they need you.
Like the flight attendants always say, you have to put your own oxygen mask on first in an emergency so you can help those around you that need your help.
It's nice to help others but you can't let yourself suffer to help anyone.
You can't spread yourself too thin by taking on more than you can handle because you will be taking a risky chance when you walk on thin ice.
You also can't carry sandbags of negative experiences from your past that weigh you down on your Life's Journey.
Take the painful experiences from your past and learn what you need to from them then...JUST FLUSH IT out of your mind to ease your load.
And from time to time make sure you do something special for yourself because you know that you are worth it.