It takes four days to get ready for your two day weekend getaway. You are not sure what exactly you will need so you tend to take more than you can even use in two days. Most of the time those "just in case" things never get unpacked. But in past experiences you did need one of those "just in case" things, and you were sure glad you had packed them. What you pack is like preparing for an old show Let's make a deal. At the end of each show they pay for weird objects you bring. Like one hundred dollars per paper clip you brought. So the audience would bring a "junk drawer" of items hoping that the object they are looking for is strangely something they brought. Nowadays you need lots of electronic devices and every charger and headphones you own. By the time you get the car packed everyone has to squeeze in for the long ride. Unfortunately when you return from your trip you are exhausted. Your relaxing weekend was more work than you thought. It sure makes "home sweet home" look sweeter than ever. Like Dorothy said "There is no place like home."
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