Monday, February 18, 2019

An extra weekend day

It doesn't happen often but every now and then you get a three-day weekend. That third day is the most relaxing. You usually have a ton of things to do on your normal two days off. But that third day you can do whatever you want to do. Including doing nothing at all if you don't want to. Enjoying the little bonuses you get in life breaks up the monotony of always being busy. And you literally can be so busy that you don't have time to stop and "smell the roses." We all need a little time to just relax to enjoy life while we are living it. It is hard to squeeze in time which is why you need to make plans from time to time to just relax. You need a break to prevent an overloaded that is not healthy, mentally or physically. Plan on taking a break before you breakdown. Admitting that you need a break is not being lazy it means your smart enough to know what you need to do and doing it.

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