Monday, October 15, 2018

It can be there one minute then gone the next

Nothing last forever. Even if you like things just the way they are you can't prevent it from changing. Several generations before mine had no television at all. I couldn't imagine no television, luckily I grew up with three channels. Could you imagine only having three channels today? There was no computers, game systems or internet. You had to use your imagination to entertain yourself. Although all the changes may seem like positive changes there are many negative results of the changes. Families can be in the same room yet not even communicate with each other because everyone is lost in their electronics. So family bonding experiences rarely happens anymore. Instead of using your imagination and creativity you rely on cyberspace to occupy your free time. Instead of going outside to play for exercise and getting fresh air you sit inside staring at your devices.  Without human contact you become desensitized to your human side. There is no way to stop things from changing but when you are with your family and friends you can turn off your devices and share some human contact to stay connected to your human side.

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