Wednesday, November 13, 2019

The reality is what you think it is, even when it isn't what you think it is at all

Your thoughts are not necessarily accurate but but your thoughts make up the reality you live in. Depending on your thoughts about anything, will determine how you feel about it. Your emotions that you feel will determine your behavior about it. Which will influence how you react to it. How you look at it determines how you feel about it. Being aware of the connection between your thoughts and your feelings is necessary to change a negative situation into a positive situation. Since thinking influences your feelings then it makes sense that if you want to change the way you feel, you need to change the way you think. The way you see it and the way you interpret it determines how you respond to it. You can't change the negative situation you had to face but you can change your negative thoughts and still have a positive outcome. You may have to look very hard to see anything positive but I am positive if you keep looking for it, you will find it. Like they say, when life gives you lemons you got to make lemonade.

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