Monday, December 9, 2019

You can't make a mistake more than once because....

We all make mistakes. Learning from our mistakes is a healthy part of our journey. Remember before you can learn anything from them, you have to first admit that you made a mistake. An honest mistake only happens once. Because if you repeat it again then it is a habit not an honest mistake. Your life's journey will be full of Life Lessons. You will have to make many choices and changes on your journey. And to know what choice is best for you, requires you to be honest with yourself. You can't make the necessary changes if you don't admit that anything needs to change. The New Year is starting soon. It's a perfect time to find some free time and find a quiet place to evaluate where you are and decide where you want to be, so you can make any changes that are necessary. The New Year is a chance for a fresh beginning. That is....If you don't bring what didn't work in the past with you. Take all the painful experiences from your past and JUST FLUSH IT out of your mind. Then you will have room for the positive thoughts of what 2020 will be like for you. Your thoughts will determine the reality you live in. Make 2020 the best it can be, by being the best you that you can be.

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