Friday, October 25, 2019

You will waste your leftovers if you don't eat them

After a good meal, you put the leftovers in the fridge so you can enjoy it again. Having a meal that only needs heated up, means no shopping, cooking, or cleaning up any day you choose. That is going to save you time and money. I watched a show of Oprah's two decades ago that showed you had to eat leftovers within a few days. I have never forgotten the test she did on bacteria in leftovers in the fridge. Chinese food had less than twenty four hours. Everything else was mostly still edible up to five days. When you put away your leftovers you have every intention to eat it. But sometimes you put it off so long that it gets buried deep in the fridge. I got so tired of wasting food so we have a scheduled left over day at least once a week. If there is something in there that we just aren't going to eat our dogs get an unexpected leftovers day too. Saving time and money as you clean out your fridge. If it's important to do, you got to make it important to make a plan and just do it.

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