Monday, May 8, 2017

You will know in a second or two

I wander if nurses and doctors realize that their patients well being is in their hands. You are at their mercy. Not only their experience matters but also their bedside manners. If you have ever been in a hospital you know that with every shift change it is a roll of the dice. You hope your nurse is thorough and compassionate. Within a few seconds of shift change you know what the next 12 hours will be like for you. Unfortunately there are times when you end up with a nurse who doesn't want to deal with patients that day and it shows. Your chances of a speedy recovery is either helped or hindered by a show of or lack of compassionate care. I have learned that you can ask to have a different nurse and they will switch. If you know it in 10 seconds then you don't have to endure it 12 hours. Just like when you recognize a negative thought has popped up in your mind JUST FLUSH IT out of your mind before it has time to do any damage.

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