Saturday, February 18, 2017

I apologize for forgetting

I always thought children could be easily distracted. But turns out old people get distracted just as easily. The grandkids had early dismissal yesterday and after a long day with them I went straight to bed when they left. And this morning I realized I had forgotten to blog Friday. So here is a Saturday blog....

Recently my phone broke. The screen was blank so I couldn't see my phone list. Which meant I had lost any way of contacting some people. Now I have always had a phone book that has fourty years of numbers in it but since I got the smart phone I began to just put numbers on it never writing it in the phone book. Big mistake. One friend I had 5 numbers and addresses in my phone book but no recent number to reach her. Luckily she was my Facebook friend so I could still reach her. But there were many important numbers of others that I lost total contact with. Technology has exploded but a good old fashioned phone book is still a necessary part of life. I hope this story encourages you to write down your numbers in a phone book because if your phone falls down you may lose your contacts that can prevent you from being able to contact people.

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