When you face rough situations make sure that you stay true to yourself to get through them. You will pay the consequences both the good or the bad for every thing you do.
Don't do anything to simply get through it that at the end of the day you will regret. Sometimes it may seem like there is no positive outcome but as long as you did what you thought was the right thing to do, you will have a positive outcome.
Because having PEACE OF MIND about what you did is the only way to have true PEACE OF MIND.
It's not about whether you win or lose it is about how you handled it. The circumstances that you face doesn't determine the outcome, it is how you reacted to your circumstances that will determine the outcome.
At the end of the day will you be PROUD of what you did? That is the question you should always ask yourself before deciding how you are going to react.
There are many choices you will have to make on your life's journey. Remember that choosing to do NOTHING is still a choice you make.
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