Looking forward to the future is only possible if you stop looking at your past. Just like you can not safely drive your car forward only looking in your rearview mirror!
You can't move past something if you don't put it behind you as you move on. Learn from it so that it never happens again, then JUST FLUSH IT out of your mind. Reliving it over and over again in your mind only allows it to hurt you over and over again.
There will be many times during your life's journey that life will throw boulders in your path. Don't just stand there complaining about why it is there, just go around it and keep moving. If you find yourself in a deadend on your journey then just turn around.
The path you must take to get where you want to be may be bumpy at times. But just because a different route may be smoother that doesn't mean it will lead you to where you want to be.
Sometimes the path that looks like the most traveled isn't the way to go. It's worn simply because it led to a deadend and everyone had to turn around and choose a different path.
Sometimes in life in order to have a good day, you will have to learn how to flush away a bad day. Take all the painful experiences from your past and JUST FLUSH IT out of your mind so you can enjoy life while you are living it.
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