Friday, June 26, 2020

You won't know which way to go until you know where you want to go to

You have to decide where you want to go before you can choose which way to go. You can't just sign up for college until you decide what degree you need to get the kind of job you want when you graduate. You won't know what direction to go on the highway until you decide where you are going. You can't reach your goals unless you set goals for yourself. Your dreams can't come true if you don't have dreams. If you get knocked down in life you have to either stay down or get up. You may have not have been able to prevent yourself from falling down but whether you stay down or not, is your choice. Sometimes it takes you falling down lower than you have ever been to stand back up taller and stronger than you ever were. Sometimes it takes a tornado to get you where you are supposed to be because it was the only way to get you there. It's hard to understand but growing pains are painful. But nothing is as painful as staying stuck somewhere you don't belong.

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