Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Money isn't everything unless you don't have enough

There are many rich people who are not happy. Now to those that don't have enough money to pay the bills they assume that if only they were rich they would be happy. But the truth is whether you are rich or poor your state of mind determines whether you are happy or not. It definitely isn't based on the state of your finances nor what state or country you live in. To be happy and comfortable in your own skin you have to be happy and comfortable
with what you are doing in the skin your in. I can imagine that is actually harder to have a true friend when you are rich. Because those around you will say and do whatever it takes to stay around you for the expensive lifestyle it brings them. A true friend will tell you the truth because they truly love you. Being poor together you bond by helping each other through the tough times. It is better to eat on paper plates surrounded by people who love you then to eat on fine china surrounded by leeches. Although being rich would be hard I still dream about winning the lottery or teaming up with a business partner to make JUST FLUSH IT a successful business. I already have true friends who I have known for decades who aren't afraid to tell me exactly what they think.

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