Friday, December 2, 2016

How can anyone ignore what is right in front of their face?

For example medical facilities do not even try to hide overcharging insurance companies for procedures, equipment and medicines. Like if you self pay for an MRI it is $270 but if you have insurance they bill them up to $1,600 for the same procedure. Now I can see why insurance cost so much. But how can they blatantly get away with that? Although some things are cheaper without insurance it could cost you your life if you need surgery because without insurance they won't perform surgery. There has to be a complete overhaul of our medical system. It's not just in medical where price gouging happens. Screws that cost only a few dollars cost our military hundreds of dollars. It is written in black and white on the invoice yet the military pays it. All around us we see things happening that are outrageously wrong yet it is ignored allowing it to become the norm. What happened to common sense? My friend's dog died when she bought a different brand of dog food. When she looked the food up on the internet there were thousands of pet owners who's beloved pet died after just one day of eating it. Yet it is still on the market being sold in stores. How is that even possible? It's time we all stand up for what is right and stop all this nonsense we see right in front of our faces.

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