Friday, October 14, 2016

What will you pass on?

As I and writing the fourth book in my JFI series I keep asking myself What exactly is it I want to pass on to others? We all want to leave this World a better place. Because of all the chaos, confusion and lack of compassion our society is in we all can clearly see the World won't get better on it's own we all must do our part. You may not be able to make a huge international positive difference but every small act of kindness you do is an important part in what it will take. Heck just not doing or saying anything to make things worse for anyone is helping. If there are any words of wisdom you would like to pass on to others you can jot me a letter and I Can pass it on in the book I am writing. Billie Bob P O BOX 1493 Middleburg Florida 32050

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