Monday, September 9, 2019

Following without knowing where it will lead you

You can't just jump on any "band wagon" that comes rolling in. Whether it is financial, political, or personal it may sound like something you would like to try, but that doesn't mean you should. Deciding on a whim that it is a good idea without thinking about the long term effects it could have later for you, is something you may regret. It's not only foolish but it is a risk that you unknowingly could be risking everything you have for it. Mistakes do happen in life but risking everything is a mistake that you can avoid. Never risk everything on a fly by night chance at anything. You can build on what you got to get ahead but you never put all your eggs in one basket. If you fall losing one egg it is bad enough but if you lose all your eggs, then what? Taking advantage of opportunities is one thing but keeping your feet firmly on the ground is the most important thing of all. Knowing your limits will limit the chances of you risking more than you should.

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