Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Taking chances are one thing, ignoring a hurricane is another

Although it seems that Florida has been very fortunate that hurricane Dorian has made a North easterly turn, danger is still lurking around. You will still have to deal with heavy rain and dangerous wind gust. After the ground gets soaked it won't take a hurricane to knock down trees, a mighty gust of wind could send it crashing down. My grandchildren wanted to go outside because the rain had stopped. I took them outside to show them that no matter where they played outside there was no where that if a tree fell that they would be safe. They looked at me as if I had two heads. They didn't believe me at all. To them I was being overly cautious. Finally I told them it was better to be safe than sorry. Children see a hint of sunshine and quickly forget that a hurricane is swirling all around. All they know is there is no school and the rain has stopped for now and they want to go out to play. Luckily I had bought some games that could be played inside. After they got started playing them they forgot about being stuck inside safe from the hurricane. I had plenty of snacks and drinks from the hurricane supplies turning an indoor day into a hurricane party. As we enjoyed ourselves we soon could hear the rain pouring down and the wind a howling. We will have a sleepover party and camp out in the living room far away from the path of any trees. Don't let the sunshine fool you because in the blink of an eye the storm can be deadly close. Stay prepared and ready until the hurricane is too far away to come knocking on your door.

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