Friday, April 28, 2023

Caring about OTHERS is what makes you a caring person

    It's hard to know when someone is taking advantage of human kindness.

   If you are a caring person you naturally want to help another human being whenever and however you can.

   You REACT to what you think is a real problem that affects any other human being.

  Why? Because you are a caring compassionate human being. 

  You don't expect someone to lie to get you to want to help others whenever you can, if you can.

  Why? Because you are a caring compassionate human being.

  But the truth is if they can get help from OTHERS than they do just to keep from helping themselves.

  Recently someone needed help from their parents with their electric bill after they spent their electric money shopping.

  I asked them why they bought a video game they didn't need instead of paying their electric bill?

  There answer SHOCKED me.

  They said because their parents wouldn't give them the money to buy the NEW GAME that they wanted but they would help them pay for their electric bill so it didn't get turned off.

  Their parents had no idea that they had the money to pay it themselves but they didn't have to because their parents would.

  There is a difference between giving someone a HANDOUT and giving someone a HELPING HAND.

   If you want them to be able to STAND on their own you have to stop letting them SIT DOWN while you do everything for them. 

 Before you HELP OTHERS make sure they really need HELP.

  It's ok to give them a HELPING HAND to HELP them stand on their own but don't be a part of keeping them DOWN by giving them a HANDOUT.

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