Friday, March 27, 2020

The difference between a good day and a bad day may be how you look at it

It may not be a day where everything goes how you had planned but that doesn't mean it wasn't a good day. Sure things could have gone better but that doesn't mean it was a bad day. Even when you have had a really bad day, if you look at everything that happened that day you will find there was something good that happened that day. Even if it is just the simple fact that you are alive makes it a good day. I know as I go through the grocery store and there are still things that are not in stock, I am still happy that I got other stuff I needed. How you look at it will determine what you see. If you look for only the negative things in a situation, then you will find them. If you look hard enough to find something positive about the situation, then you will find something positive about it. It is all in how you look at it. Remember the situation you are in may be bad, but that doesn't mean the outcome for you is going to be bad. How you look at it and react to it will determine the outcome of the situation you are in. If you want a good outcome then look for a way that a positive outcome would be possible. Enjoying life while you are living it despite all the negative things that will happen along your journey, is the only way to enjoy life while you are living it.

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