Wednesday, February 13, 2019

A day or two

Every day is a special day. It doesn't mean that every day is an easy day. It simply means every day you have is a blessing. One day may bring with it a "storm" but if you wait just a little while the "storm" will pass. You may not see how things could turn around in just a day or two but it can. Every day is a different day and what a difference twenty four hours can make. It can be foggy in the morning and you can't see what is in front of you. But when the fog is gone you will see everything you need to see. And in the fast paced World we live in things can change in a matter of minutes. When things look like there can be no happy ending just give it a day or two and you will be able to see a positive outcome. That is if you don't blow any chance of a positive outcome by reacting so negative that you change what was meant to be. Wait before you respond because your response can determine the outcome.

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