Friday, January 11, 2019

The love of a child

Young children have nothing but love for everyone. They don't hold grudges or expect everything to be perfect. They are such a blessing. When you are a young parent you have no idea how fast they grow up. But as a grandparent I know that you have to enjoy every moment of their childhood. Because time flies and before you know it they will be an adult. Which means they get so busy in their own lives that you rarely get a chance to enjoy their company. Luckily my grandkids are still little and they love to come over and play. I will be lonely when they all grow up. But I know how lucky I am to have been able to enjoy my children and now my grandchildren for the last 36 years. So many families live too many miles away from each other but mine live just three miles away. My Mom died when I was three years old. My sister died before her grandchildren were even born. And my little brother died at nineteen before he even had a chance to have kids. Which is why I feel so lucky to be able to enjoy my grandkids. I don't know if I will live long enough to enjoy my great-grandchildren but considering my family history  I know just how lucky I am to be able to enjoy my grandchildren. I am reminded of a plaque on my wall that says "I asked God for all things that I might enjoy life, He gave me life that I might enjoy all things."

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