Wednesday, May 9, 2018

What are they being taught at home?

While I was doing my grocery shopping I saw two examples of "parenting" that will definitely have a negative impact on the adults those children will become. The first incident was a young girl around five years old. She accidentally knocked over a few items that were stacked on display. Her immediate reaction (as it should be) was to say oops and bend down to start picking them up off the floor. But as she was doing it her mother told her to stop and come on. So the little girl got up leaving them scattered all over the floor. What lesson did that child learn? Even though you are born with a conscience you can be taught to ignore it. Then in the freezer aisle I watched two boys around seven and nine start opening one freezer door after another grabbing an item out and putting it in a totally different section. Out of the two freezer aisles they scattered around fifty or so items. All the way through both aisles their mother would glance back at them as they giggled while they were opening and closing the many doors. But instead of stopping them she would turn her head and continue down the aisle. What lesson did those boys learn? Every home is a classroom and every parent is a teacher.

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