Monday, March 14, 2016

So selfish they are blind and deaf!

For decades from one generation to another they don't pass on their old recipes nor pass on traditions nor values. For decades starting from the sixties all they pass on is their hate their inhumane attitudes and disrespect for others. Our society looks and acts more like the chaos we see in other countries. We see what happens when there are more selfish people then there are law abiding compassionate people. Wherever you live no matter what age nor what gender nor what ethnicity we all have to realize the WORLD nor our own country will get better on it's own. We all must do our part to restore Humanity Compassion and common sense and common decency and common courtesy. We need to unite together so we can all enjoy life while we are living it and ensure that our children and grandchildren can be safe to enjoy their lives also. Come on everyone gather round and unite to make our neighborhoods safe for us all.

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